Government eProcurement System
Published Corrigendum Details
Date : 06-Oct-2024 01:28 AM
Organisation Chain : Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited||PSSR||SUBCONTRACTING||SCT||SCT
Tender ID : 2023_BHEL_27313_1
Tender Ref No : BHEL PSSR SCT 2094
Tender Title : BHEL PSSR SCT 2094
Corrigendum Type : Cancellation of Tender
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Corrigendum Document Details
Corr.No. Corrigendum Title Corrigendum Description Corrigendum Reason Published Date Document Name Doc Size(in KB)
1 Tender Cancellation Notice Tender Cancellation Notice dated 05-09-2023 Due to administrative reason 05-Sep-2023 10:38 AM SCT2094Tendercancellationnotice.pdf  1071.51